Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Today a sixteen year-old girl told me I was naive. We were discussing compassion and Atticus Finch, having one of the best discussions I have ever led in a high school classroom.

And the more I've thought about it, that sixteen year-old was probably right. I am naive. I am optimistic in the face of experience. I am hopeful. I am trusting. I believe people are basically good, even when they are profoundly screwed up.

Optimism comes at a price. My hope is sometimes met with heartbreaking disappointment.

But I know the sun will rise again tomorrow, even if I can't see it for the clouds.

And people can change.

And God is big.

And I am happier for believing in both.


  1. I am optimistic in the face of experience. I am hopeful. I am trusting. I believe people are basically good, even when they are profoundly screwed up. << ME TOO. And it is ok to be optimistic when most people aren't even though it does hurt sometimes.

    1. Another one of my students pointed out that compassion houses the word compass. As corny as it might be, I really like the idea that compassion should be my compass.
