This was the year my squishy boy learned to take steps.
The year Gus fell in love with fishing.
The year Sena wrote, directed, and performed in plays.
The year we bought a crooked tan cottage.
The year I took pictures.
The year of trips to Ocracoke and Brooklyn.
This was the year I watched my sisters fall in love with being aunts in a new way, the year I watched them fall in and out of love with handsome men.
This was the year of learning how to cook pork.
It was the year of traditions continued.
It was the year of understanding my mother in new ways and working her to the bone.
It was the year I loved my family and my friends and they loved me right back and I was happy to my core.
The year may have also involved a little boy who loves to dance and doesn't know that his mama doesn't play the guitar.
pure mama/baby bliss right there. LOVE your list.