Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This Weekend We

Kids, rafts, kayaks, dogs, beer, and couple of perfect tomatoes. All in all, a pretty good afternoon.

Memorial Day (Weekend) and I have a a tenuous relationship. The holiday has let me down on more than one occasion, despite the fact that I really want it to be great. It feels a little like the coolest girl around who you really want to be friends with. Sure, she smiles at you and says "hey," but she isn't about to start inviting you out to cheap pitcher night at the local dive bar or anything. 

On Saturday when I was not headed out to go boating and barbecuing with all the people I love, I was definitely feeling more than a little pissed off that this damn holiday let me down yet again. 

But yesterday made up for it, at least a little bit. We spent the afternoon at my parent's house with a couple of couples and a whole lot of kids.  And even though Arlo drew all over my mom's wallpaper, which caused me quite a bit of guilt ridden anxiety (sorry about that, mama, really), it was a nice way to spend the final afternoon of a long weekend. 

Thus begins the season of cookouts and camping trips and as much time spent on the water as we can pack into our days. 


  1. Your photos always capture such relaxed people and beautiful places ... I can't believe it's warm enough to be in swimwear! It's only 13C (55F) here ... Glad the weekend delivered more than it looked as if it was going to.

    1. Hope warm weather finds you soon. Some like it hot-- I am one of them.

  2. If anyone can get away with defacing your mom's walls it's probably Arlo.

    1. Arlo got away scot free. I, however, did not.

  3. What about some props for your rad sister for planning an amazing boating outing for your peeps? I'm going to start taking my own darn pictures on my visitation weekends with our babies and forcing you to post them to this blog. I am your most diligent reader. I am not mentioned nearly enough on your blog. Very disgruntled over here.

    1. You are the raddest and pretty much the reason the majority of people read this blog. I love you. Thanks for being a good sister and a great aunt.

    2. So I'm a better aunt then I am a sister? Just good? Not great? I think spectacular is a better adjective to use to describe me for both of those duties.

    3. Dear Claire, you are a spectacular aunt and a spectacular sister. No other adjectives could possibly do you justice.

  4. Abigail for example has probably read this blog twice. She was on your adorable video last week and now posted here. I want my face posted here more often. And no, I have no shame, that is all. Oh, except that I love you a whole lot.
