The two of us put things away and folded laundry, stopping to play and practice taking steps. And I put him to sleep in a quiet house, and was able to get up and enjoy the quiet all by myself for a couple of peaceful moments. There was time to shower without rushing, time to clean up dinner dishes without interruption, time to waste in silence. And this extrovert who loves people to be coming and going, who loves conversation and kids in the other room, loved those moments with her whole heart. Not because she wants them often, not because she needs them the way some folks do, but because they were special.
The next day Tom took Sena and Gus fishing with friends, and Arlo and I got even more alone time. It was the most peaceful weekend and about as different from last weekend as it could be. I love both types of weekends. This was just the one I needed right now.
What a sweet little face!