Monday, November 25, 2013

This Weekend- Rock Fishing

This weekend one of my little buzzards flew pretty far from the nest.

My alarm went off at 3:15 on Saturday morning, and I woke up Gus to dress him in layer upon layer of clothing, and send him out the door with my sister in the darkest pre-dawn hour.

Claire and Andrew took Gus with them on fishing tournament. All day long, my phone was vibrating with pictures of my sleepy eyed boy with his little thumb up.  Despite his exhaustion, which eventually led him to passing out face first in the cabin, it was declared the best day of his life, which is bittersweet for this mama, because how dare the best day of his six years of life be so far from my side.
When I sent him off Saturday morning, my heart filled to maximum capacity. Gus is funny and articulate. Sometimes he fools me into thinking he's older than he is. But under piles of warm clothing, in his rubber rain boots, I saw him for the little boy he is. He is still so young, still has so much growing to do.

Claire assured me that he was on his best behavior. Although Gus can be a bit of a wildman and could use some practice listening to his mama the first time, he shows off well.

While Gus was gone, Sena and I snuck off for a mommy-daughter lunch date. I love that my kids get along so well together and that they do so much together, but I know it's important for them to get time apart, to pursue their own interests and to get to be the center of some adult attention. But I sure was glad when Gus finally came home late Saturday evening. I think Arlo might have been even more excited to see his crazy brother.


  1. What a special treat for Gus! I am so impressed!

    I often feel the same way about my Milo (also six). Because he is the oldest of my three, I tend to think of him as older than his years. A wild man himself, he often proves to be the best listener and on his best behavior when he is out and about, as opposed to at home!

    1. I guess it's better that they listen in public, but how in the world do we get them to behave that well when their mama is their only audience? happy Thanksgiving Lauren. hope you and your brood have a great one.
