Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Isn't Ending

The past few weeks have been crazy and chaotic and mostly amazing. We finally moved into the house we put a contract on in January. And we love it. We've been busy moving, unpacking, painting, cleaning, drinking cocktails on our new porch and making friends in the neighborhood. We've spent time water tubing and exploring the beach and trying to train an old lady dog a friend found on the side of the road.
Tomorrow when I go back to school, I vow not to allow myself to feel like summer is over. I vow to let this season linger. There is too much sunshine left and too much greatness to be had.

Sometime soon I'll sit down to think of more words to paint this time of my life with, and I'll find pictures from a camera that doesn't moonlight as a phone, and I'll give myself the moments I need to help myself remember. 


  1. I am so excited - here in New Zealand we are just about to go into spring! I love the inbetween-y seasons. You are so lucky going into Autumn :)

    Lost in the Haze

    1. Yeah, I'm a pretty big fan of most of the seasons. I could live without winter. Well maybe not, maybe I need it to appreciate spring. I could definitely shortened it though.

  2. Just wanted to say hi and how happy I am to have a way to feel like I am a bit closer to you and your beautiful family. Looking forward so much to seeing the new place and celebrating Tom. Love you guys, Chanty

    1. Oh Chanty, I can't wait to see your face. Thanks for checking out me and my self-absorbed thoughts on ya know, everything.
