Sunday, July 27, 2014

Corners and Crannies: One Year Here

One year ago yesterday we settled on our house, six months after putting a contract on it. Although there are times that I worry that I might not have the courage to live in an old house, that the sagging floors and old roof coupled with finances too limited to fix each ache and pain, make me too damn nervous. 

But I love our house. And I love the projects that we have completed. And mostly I look forward to the days that will bring the completion of more projects.


  1. first time i've ever done this: i'm literally scanning these photos and making mental notes of ideas. i love your home. i want mine to match. i'd have to step it up, get a nicer kitchen, which means moving. i love your wooden counters and little plants and clean white cabinets everywhere, with banjos and crooked pictures and babies and sunlight and antlers and books. i mean, does it get any better? thank you for this serious and true inspiration.

  2. Wow, Rachel! Your home looks so light and lovely! Thanks for sharing!
