Monday, March 18, 2013

This Weekend We

This weekend we hung close to home, watching movies and baking cakes, wearing lots of green and eating corned beef and cabbage. We only ventured as far as a few houses down for a surprise party complete with the best deviled eggs I have ever experienced.  There were no long car rides, no great adventures. An effortless weekend nearly perfect in its simplicity. Sena, who loves to weave celebrations into the everyday, made a shamrock and declared our dinner a party.

We ended the weekend piled together in my parent's living room, watching Life of Pi. Arlo just might be a film critic. He cooed and smiled at that screen til he wore himself out. That tiger managed to excite my mellow boy more than anything else he has experienced in his first three months.

We got the cake recipe from here and the icing from here. I'm trying to clean up my eating, move towards a Paleo diet.  I want to try to tweak this recipe the next time, but Sena has declared it is perfect. While this cake might not be the pinnacle of healthy eating, it is a step in the right direction. And since Sena is in a constant search to find cake worthy occasions, a healthier cake round these parts is certainly in order.


  1. That is my ideal kind of pile up for movie watching! Can't wait to see Life of Pi, maybe Lucy will love the tiger too :) your family is rad!

  2. not that i'm advocating babies watching television, but man are the colors in that movie fascinating to an infant.
