Monday, January 18, 2016

Of This I Am Certain

When the skies clear and the temperatures rise, make no excuses. Don't let the dirty corners and the unmade beds keep you. And even though the toddler has an accident on his way to the bathroom just as you're walking out the door, followed by a leaking baby diaper, change them both and load up the strollers and worry about the pile of wet clothes when you return.

And, yes, your daughter may get a hole in her leggings. And it is almost certain that they will all come home caked in mud. Sure, statistical averages are in favor of at least one newly acquired bruise as your mother looks on with terror as your  children scale steep hills.  Your niece will probably rebel against the stroller and insist on being carried. But maybe on the walk back, she will fall alseep in that wheeled contraption, bunny ears flopped down over her face that looks remarkably like your sister's.

If you don't go, their cheeks wouldn't color pink. And their laughter won't ring out across the marsh. And you won't get to meet the great grandmother who would prefer not to tell you about the job she so loves.

There is one thing I know, and I tell you with certainty, it is always worth going. Always.


  1. Yes, to getting out, and I always say, "Why didn't we go earlier?" Then I promise I will next time.

  2. Yes, to getting out, and I always say, "Why didn't we go earlier?" Then I promise I will next time.

    1. Every. Single. Time. Like, it's what I should do today but I won't.

  3. Wonderful photos. Beautifully written. Love those bunny ears :). And you are so right ...
