Thursday, December 3, 2015

Christmas Cousins

Posed pictures have stories to tell too. And these pictures have a loud backstory yelling "Ala-mae, Jettie Blythe... look over here" "Smile girls," "No, no, no, stay over there." Seven adults and two older children crowding around furniture moved out of the way to create a blank wall space. Commanding me when to click, trying to balance a wobbly five month old, rearranging ill-fitting santa hats, moving the lights to make things a little less graphic.

While under ordinary circumstances, the pictures capture a memory, in this case the pictures made them.

Two very important lessons learned: 1) I never, ever want to be a baby photographer. Never. Unless the mama is holding the baby. Then...maybe. 2) Instagram does not mess around when it comes to naked baby pictures. They definitely kicked my picture off last night.


  1. Weird! Someone must've reported it? These are precious. I love how it's so obvious they are cousins. They're all gorgeous.
